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Create a rota
Employee scheduling
Our drag & drop scheduler is fast, quick to learn and free for small teams.
Time and attendance
Record the hours your staff are actually on-site with our free time clock station.
Reporting and payroll
Track staff hours and their costs in real-time using the data generated by your shift rota.
Reminders and notifications
Send your staff automated shift reminders, shift change notifications and group messages.
Time off management
Manage time off easily with online requests, assistant managers, notifications and allowance tracking.
Pricing plans
Choose a pricing plan that works for your team.
Free plan for small teams
Findmyshift will always be free for small teams of up to 5 staff members.
Free time clock software
Free, unrestricted access to our web-based time clock system to help track staff hours.
Try it free for 60 days
All features are free for your first 60 days. No credit cards, no mailing lists, no surprises.
Knowledge base
Search for answers to some of the most frequently asked questions.
Video guides and webinars
Watch how it's done (from setup to scheduling) with our step-by-step video guides.
Contact support
Call, chat and email our support team between 12am and 10pm (GMT), Monday to Friday.
Help and support
Scheduling questions? Search the knowledge base or browse the sections below.
Frequently asked questions
What is Findmyshift?
How do I sign up?
What will it cost me?
How do I pay?
Is there an app for my staff?
Do you have an API?
Setup and configuration
How do I add a new team?
Can I have different departments in the same team?
How do I schedule staff at different locations?
Can I change the days that are shown on my rota?
My rota runs from Wednesday to Wednesday. How do I show this on my rota?
Why are some dates not shown on my rota?
How can I change the date, currency and number formats in the rota and reports?
How do I add new columns of data to my staff and facilities?
What is a custom column and what is it used for?
How can I lock the rota to prevent managers from making changes?
If one of my staff leaves, how can I remove them from the rota?
If we remove a staff member can they still log in and view their rota?
How do I restore a staff member that was previously deleted?
Why can't I change some of my staff's contact details?
How do I remove a facility?
I'm leaving the company. How can I transfer the ownership of my teams to someone else?
How can I take ownership if the previous owner has left our organisation?
I am trying to add a new rota for a new team of staff, but I can't enter any shifts.
I have staff spread over multiple teams, can I copy and paste their details?
Can I change the layout so that dates are down the side?
Can Findmyshift be customised for my company?
Managing a staff rota
How do I add a new staff member to the rota?
How do my staff find out their passwords to check their shift rota?
How do I add an extra manager or administrator to help with my rotas?
What are the differences between administrators, managers, report managers, time off managers and self schedulers?
How do I re-order the staff on my rota?
What are the red and yellow dots on my staff rota?
Why are items on my staff rota highlighted blue after I save?
Why are items on my staff rota occasionally highlighted in orange?
How can I work on a rota without my staff seeing the unfinished version?
Why are items on my staff rota highlighted red?
What is publishing?
How do I publish multiple cells at once?
How do I copy and paste an entire week of staff rotas?
How do I delete multiple cells at once?
Why can't I see some of my staff?
Why have some of my staff disappeared from my rota?
Why can't my staff see all facilities?
What are templates and why would I use one?
Do you have any tips & tricks for rota managers and their staff?
Are there any shortcuts or special keys to help speed up scheduling?
Text and email notifications
How do I send log in details to my staff?
How do I send the rota to my staff?
How do I change the email address that Findmyshift uses when emailing my staff?
What are push notifications?
How can I receive push notifications on my phone?
Why do some text messages require more credits than others?
My text message is less than 160 characters, but it still says it requires 2 credits.
Which countries are supported by the built-in text messaging?
How can I switch off my email and text message notifications?
How can I stop emails being sent to me about approvals and cancellations?
Holidays, sick leave and other time off
How can I change a time off entry?
How do I add to a staff member's holiday allowance?
How do I calculate staff holiday allowances if their allowances reset at different times of the year?
How do I track sick days taken by my staff?
Can I change the list of time off types?
How do I pay staff for days off?
How do I pay staff extra for bank holidays?
Can I enter holidays or time off as half days?
Holidays are now appearing as vacation. Can I change this back?
Can I change the word holiday to vacation?
Timesheets and time clocking
Does Findmyshift have timesheets?
Does the timesheet functionality cost extra?
How do I enter timesheets?
Can my staff enter timesheets?
How do I approve my staff's timesheets?
Can staff change timesheet entries once they've been approved?
How do I set up a time clocking system for my staff?
What is time clock data used for?
How is time clock data turned into timesheets?
What is the difference between time clock data and timesheet data?
How do I change the times on time clock report?
How do I round time clock times up or down to the nearest 5 or 10 minutes?
Can staff clock in and out through the website?
Can staff clock in and out using a PIN?
What happens if staff forget to clock out?
Can I stop my staff from clocking in and out from home?
How can I prevent my staff from buddy-clocking?
Reports, pay rates and payroll
How do I deduct staff breaks from their total hours in the reports?
How can I pay an overtime rate on a shift?
What is a pay rate adjustment?
How do I program different pay rates for different days, times and facilities?
Why would I want to enter staff salaries?
How do I enter staff salaries so they appear in the reports?
How are salaries calculated in the reports?
Can I pay staff an hourly rate for overtime in addition to their salary?
What are day rates?
Can day rates be used with hourly rates?
Do pay rate adjustments affect day rates?
Can I use salaries with day rates for work on weekends?
If staff are normally paid a day rate but only work a short shift can I pay them by the hour?
How do I pay overtime when my staff are normally paid day rates?
Why are my reports showing the wrong figures?
Why would shifts be missing from my reports?
Why are some shifts missing an hour?
Why are some shifts showing an extra hour?
How do I use timesheet data in the reports?
Who can see the hourly rates, day rates and salaries that are entered?
How can I give read only access to my Payroll department?
Staff and their rotas
I've been added to a staff rota, how do I log in to check my shifts?
I never received a password from my manager. How can I access my rota?
How do I request a shift?
How do I cancel a shift?
How do I swap a shift?
How are shifts swapped? How can I swap a shift with another staff member?
How do I accept a shift?
How do I accept a single shift in a cell?
Is it possible for staff to accept all the shifts on their rota at once?
Why do my staff have to accept and agree to the terms and conditions?
Why can't my staff see their rotas when they log in?
Why can't my staff see any shifts when they log in?
My staff can't see any shifts when they log in to their rota.
Why can't I access my rota?
What is an iCal feed?
Why has my iCal feed expired?
Can I view my shifts in my Google Calendar, my Outlook calendar or in Apple's iCal?
Can I view my shifts on my Android device?
Can I view my shifts on my iPhone?
My staff are on multiple rotas. Is there any way staff can log in to all rotas with one password?
Security, privacy and backups
We've deleted our shifts! Is it possible to restore a previous version of our rota?
How safe is my data stored on Findmyshift?
What is two-factor authentication?
How can I disable two-factor authentication?
Can I backup or download my staff rotas?
How long is my staff rota and associated data stored online?
Is Findmyshift compliant with the GDPR?
Pricing and payments
How much does Findmyshift cost?
How much do text messages cost?
Are the credits I buy for e-mails or SMS messages?
How do I renew my subscription?
I have a trial account that's expiring - how do I upgrade to a full account?
How do I make a payment? Can I pay online with a debit/credit card?
What types of credit cards are accepted by PayPal?
Can I pay monthly via direct debit?
Do you accept Bitcoin?
Are there any fees when paying with PayPal?
Do you offer discounts for charities and volunteer organisations?
When my account expires, will I be billed again automatically?
I don't need Findmyshift anymore, can I get a refund?
How long will PayPal take to process my refund?
Can I get a refund if I paid with PayPal?
I've lost my tax invoice, how do I get another copy?
Why does PayPal keep rejecting my credit/debit card?
PayPal says there's a risk with my payment. What can I do?
My transaction was declined to "comply with government regulations". What can I do?
Can I pay for telephone support?
I've forgotten my password!
How do I reset my password?
I've reset my password but I still can't log in!
How do I change my password?
I'm having trouble with my browser. What should I do?
Which browsers are supported?
Which browser is recommended for Findmyshift?
Why are some of the columns not aligned properly on my staff rota?
Why are my Excel downloads opening up blank?
My staff rota is printing in black & white. Can I print it in colour?
How do I add a log-in box for my staff on my website?
How do I right click on a mac?
How do I right click on a tablet or phone without a mouse?
How can I stop Excel files opening in my browser?
How can I restart the demo?
How can I display a read-only copy of my rota on a shared computer so my staff can view it?
How do I delete my account?
What are the weird telephone number things appearing all over my rota?
Explore now. No registration required.
No credit card required, nothing to download, no mailing lists and no surprises.
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