Using Findmyshift for external reporting
The UK government recently announced new requirements for NHS institutions to report on staffing levels. This new obligation for hospitals to publish staffing level figures each month is a sign of the times as more managers are required to monitor staff costs.
Not that it is a bad thing. There is evidence to support that not monitoring your progress and costs can be very damaging to the growth and development of any company or institution no matter the industry.
The good news is that analysing and reporting on staff levels doesn't have to be time or resource consuming. If you're using Findmyshift, you already have the data you need to report or compare the hours worked by staff and the subsequent costs.
Let's have a quick look at some of the reports which help you monitor staffing levels.
The Budget Report
The budget report essentially helps to keep track of staff costs, but also offers a comprehensive overview of the hours and shifts worked during a certain time period.
On the budget report you will see a daily/weekly/monthly breakdown of shifts worked, hours worked and staff numbers, along with their totals. If you have entered salaries, day rates or hourly rates, then the report will also display costs.
The budget report also allows you to set budgeted values for shifts, hours and staff, allowing you to review performance or forecast future periods. To set your own budgets, click "Edit budgets" when viewing the report
The Hours Report
Building on the budget report, the hours report provides a break down of all the hours entered on your rota. Unlike the budget report, the hours report groups the hours by staff member, offering sub totals for labour costs and hours worked.
Real-time reporting
Aside from the on-demand reports above, you can also monitor your staff costs in real-time whilst working on your rota, using "Real-time reporting". To enable "Real-time reporting" click "Options" and select "Real-time reporting". Once enabled, totals will appear for staff, facilities and dates.