How to best manage time clocks and time sheets
Time clocks and timesheets can be a source of real frustration and conflict in a business, but they don’t have to be. Implemented properly with clocking in best practices, and with their benefits clearly outlined and understood, time clocks can help both employees and managers to build a fairer workplace.
Findmyshift’s in-built time clock functionality is one easy way to get a time clock system up and running in your business. With the following best practices for using time clocks in as part of a regular routine, we hope you’re able to make the system work for you.
Be clear on why employees should clock in
Communication is key with implementing any changes to the way your business works, and it’s no different with using a time clock to record your employees’ working hours. Using a time clock provides several benefits to both your business and your employees, including:
Visibility of who’s in so you know your staffing levels in real-time.
Problems with employee punctuality can be caught and addressed early.
Employees are paid for every minute they work.
A simple system saves them the time and hassle of recording their own hours.
A fairer system, where people can’t slack or cheat, rewards hard work.
Honesty around hours creates a more positive work culture.
Explain these time clock benefits to your employees in an open setting and address any questions they might have. Common concerns are that introducing a time clock or timesheets indicates that management don’t trust them, or employees may feel that it’s all too much hassle. Explain that time clocks actually reward good performance, so are better for hard-working employees, and that simple systems can actually save time in the long run as there are less disputes about hours worked and pay.
Know, and explain, how to use the time clock
Whatever system you decide to implement, familiarise yourself fully with its operation before rolling it out to staff. Don’t expect them to learn anything you don’t understand yourself. For instance, Findmyshift’s time clock feature allows you, as a manager, to set:
The accuracy to which times are recorded.
Whether staff are photographed as they clock in and out.
Whether web and mobile site clocking in is allowed.
If location tracking of where staff clock in on the mobile app is active.
With each setting, consider what is most appropriate for your business—you may not need to photograph employees as they clock in and out, or you might decide you’re happy for them to clock in using the app as they arrive.
Get started with your Findmyshift time clock
If you’re just getting started with a Findmyshift time clock, you can ‘enable time clocking’ in the ‘General’ submenu of your account ‘Settings’. Then just activate the browser by entering your login and password at findmyshift.com/time-clock.
To use the time clock, all employees need to do is go to the site or app, or use a dedicated machine if you’ve assigned one, and enter their password.
With those steps done, and these best practices in mind, you’re good to go on your way to using a time clock for a fairer and more efficient workplace. For more information, you can check out our video guide or visit the Findmyshift help pages.